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Born Trilogy (@rob_t_firefly takes the blame for this)

So the point of this whole thing is trivial enough that I went ahead and did it: Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day). Then you write down 3 events, 3 births, 3 deaths and 3 holidays.
December 29


  • 1778 – American Revolutionary War: 3,500 British soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell capture Savannah, Georgia without firing a shot.
    Way to go Georgia, just roll over and take it. Bitches.
  • 1890 – United States soldiers kill more than 200 Oglala Lakota people with four Hotchkiss guns in the Wounded Knee Massacre.
    120 years later we're still treating the natives like shit & using the treaties to wipe our national ass -- Progress, we no can has
  • 2003 – The last known speaker of Akkala Sami dies, rendering the language extinct.
    Interesting tidbit in honor of all those linguistics courses I took.


  • 1800 – Charles Goodyear, American inventor (d. 1860)
    A subtle reminder from the universe to check your tire inflation and wear pattern
  • 1921 – Robert C. Baker, Inventor of the chicken nugget (d. 2006)
    Cue ironic chorus of "Nugget Man"
  • 1967 – Andy Wachowski, American director
    I still won't forgive him for the Matrix sequels. Filthy humans ruinsed a good thing.

Deaths (Excluding the "event" death)

  • 1731 – Brook Taylor, English mathematician (b. 1685)
  • 1737 – Joseph Saurin, French mathematician (b. 1659)
  • 1891 – Leopold Kronecker, German mathematician (b. 1823)
Apparently not a good day to be a mathematician… Do I get any bonus points for a trifecta?

Only 2 and nothing relevant: The 5th day of Christmas (but nobody cares aside from the song) and apparently St. Becket's day (patron saint of secular clergy, so I suppose that's appropriate with me being an ordained minister and all)


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Rob T Firefly on :

*Saint Becket was the patron saint of time-travelling into peoples' bodies and fixing their lives.

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