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The Open-Source Environment (List)


It occurs to me that aside from a few exceptions I've managed to get Premier Heart to a nearly 100% open-source / free(-as-in-beer) footing.

As 2009 is pretty much over I think it only makes sense to take stock of the software we're using for posterity - 5 years from now we can look back at this list and laugh the same way people laugh now when they remember FoxPro or COBOL...

The Open-Source Stuff:
  • Servers 
  • Field Units
    • Customized Ubuntu Linux
      (Lots of packages removed, lots of new ones added, plus our proprietary software on top).

The "Other" stuff that we have to pay actual money for:

  • MacOS on everyone's desktop
  • Windows (For QuickBooks ($) & the ESXi management console ($))
  • A few copies of Office for Mac
  • InterMapper (monitoring software)
  • Our software


The good thing about having a low-traffic (zero) blog: I doubt the GNU freetards will come and scream at me about how my software "isn't free" (and honestly, for some stuff I really don't care about the source code: My hypervisor just needs to run, I don't care about the insides).



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Justin Dearing on :

*5 years from now we can look back at this list and laugh the same way people laugh now when they remember FoxPro or COBOL... And 5 years from now your legacy tables will still be in the postgres database, just like all that cobol code out there.

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