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Zoom Zoom (Apple, not Mazda)

Apple Stock
So, many of you know that I lost my bet last year that Apple would close over $200 at the end of the year -- The beginning of our "Bagel" (that's what we're calling the recession now) caught everything pretty hard, and Apple is just now pulling out of the hole (See picture). Putting this in perspective a little, Apple has almost completely recovered it's December 2007 value, while both the Dow and NASDAQ indices are still in their valley wallowing in general sadness. Mind you not all of my investments are doing so well with the bagel-recovery (The mutual funds you're seeing are all still down compared to 12/2007 value, VMWare is still a net loss b/c of a 12/07 correction when they announced financials), but Apple continues to be a rising star in my long-term portfolio. For the record, my Apple stock is up 161.64% over cost (across multiple purchases during its rise in 2005-2007; The initial purchases back when it was a $50 stock with an uncertain future are up well over 200%). I'm pondering additional buys, but I'm really waiting for a split (& possible buy-back from Apple, Inc.). How's everyone else doing? :-)


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