ICANN't believe it...
ICANN has officially lost their limited minds. Open Top-Level Domain registration. It's usenet all over again.
Someone please stop teh intertubes, I wanna get off....
This has been a public service crying by a crusty old fart who remember when 14.4kbps modems were blazingly fast, CompuServe didn't suck (sucked less than AOSchnell!), and you had to manually start up PPP on your shell account if you wanted that fancy crap, otherwise you could use Lynx and Pine and be DAMN FUCKING GREATFUL FOR THE OPPORTUNITY! These kids today with their high speed multimeg pipes to the home... when I was your age we shared one T1 line for an entire class C of dial-up users! What? What do you mean "What's a 'class C'?" DAMNIT!