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I'm boggling right now... Really boggling. Perhaps it's just because I'm a child of the 80s, and because being in a funk makes me all reminiscent, but I'm listening to all sorts of crap 80s music - one song in particular came on tonight: Simple Minds -- Don't You (Forget About Me); A/K/A "That song that plays at the end of The Breakfast Club". I mention this to someone... and they tell me they've never seen The Breakfast Club. So I must now ask: HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU *NOT* HAVE SEEN THE FUCKING BREAKFAST CLUB?? How How How? Am i really that fucking old? Is that really not The Best Teen Movie Ever? Are you, all ofyou, not at least one of the characters? Maybe not seeing the breakfast club is a gay thing... *shrug* Someone explain in the comments, please.


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Rob on :

*I've never seen it... But then again, I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies in their entirety.. *hides in eternal shame* Someday someone is going to come and take away my geek card. I'm not sure I'd expect everyone our age to have seen it compared to, say, Home Alone. Most of the movies I've seen have been in a cinema, not at home... but maybe I'm an exeception.

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