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Apple is killing the XServe?


Apple Inc. announced today that the XServe is being discontinued effective January 31, 2011.
I believe this is a HUGE mistake on Apple's part as they have no other product which effectively fills this market space.

I'm not one of those "email the CEO because you changed the color of my case" shareholders, but this decision has occasioned my first email to The Steve.  I have reproduced that email here to share my thoughts with the rest of you.



Normally I think you are spot on with your product decisions, but I have to question the wisdom of discontinuing the XServe -- Neither of the options mentioned in the transition guidance provide what enterprise customers like myself are looking for in a mail/file server system: Standard 1U size, hot-swap hard drives and redundant power.

You are asking us to give up nearly a third of a rack for a Mac Pro or cope with the difficult-to-service case on the Mac Mini, and to deal with extended outages in the event of disk or power supply failures in either case. This does not seem to be an enterprise-friendly move.

I ask that you and your team please reconsider this change in the product roadmap and its impact on customers who rely on the standard 1U form factor.


Thanks for listening,




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Justin Dearing on :

*This makes no sense whatsoever. Apple could position OSX server as the OS that bridges the gap between windows and Mac, if they marketed it right.

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